Pep Rallies and Facebook's Free Music
Today we had our first Pep Rally for our game tonight. (And, no, we don't usually play on Thursdays, but we always play Trinity on the Thursday before Labor Day.) It wasn't the best pep rally, but the Junior High Cheerleaders were in charge of it, so it wasn't terrible. The "Bleacher Creatures" (the new school spirit group) were all psyched up, yelling and such. It was a pretty obnoxious pep rally. But it was still pretty entertaining. The theme was some kind of magic theme. For the first time in a long while, MA actually stands a chance against Trinity. So we're all pretty excited about that. Our mascot is terrible. Marci should be ashamed of it. It tried to dance around behind the Varsity cheerleaders while they were doing their dance, and it was sad. Anyway, because of the big game tonight "el juego grande -- colin", we don't have any homework tonight! And then tomorrow I'm going to the lake! Yes, this will be a good few days.
Okay, so about this free music business. Facebook is giving away 25 free songs on iTunes each week. This was the first week I took this opportunity to get free music. Unfortunately, the genre this week is "Electronica". Out of 25 songs, I kept three. They were terrible. So, if you're thinking about taking advantage of the Facebook music giveaway, wait until next week! Or, if you're Laura, get speakers that don't work. You'll need em with this collection of terrible music.
Stress... and oh, the wonderful site of Pandora!
This weekend could not come fast enough. Honestly. I think all of my teachers got together in one of their little "faculty meetings" and decided to have EVERYTHING due this week. Or, at least, everything that matters. Tomorrow is my make-it or break-it day... two tests, a works cited page due for a history paper, AND a paper due tomorrow. Teachers are just so mean sometimes! Well, the good thing is, labor day weekend is almost here! I'm going with a LOT (and by a lot, i mean about 12) of my friends to Elyse's lake house to spend the weekend. Then, on Sunday, we're going to see Sister Hazel in concert! So I think this weekend should justify all the work I have done this week. At least, I hope so!
Ohh, what is Pandora you ask? Ask no more! And no, I'm not talking about the Greek mythology. (Mythology has never been my thing. Ohh, the memories of standing out in the hot, sticky sun in the 6th grade, Mrs. Quallio yelling "I can't hear in that ear!" and having to practice our 'mythology' skits for our trip to Jasmine Hill/ reenactment of the Greek Olympics. Oh those were the days.) No no... Pandora is a website that was introduced to me about a week ago. Here's how it works, broken down into simplest form.
1. Tell Pandora your favorite music artist / song. (Of course, I chose first... Relient K. No surprise there. Choose your favorite musical artist... for Marci, that's BSB. For Ashley, that's some good-ole Britney Spears.)
2. Pandora will give you a radio station labeled your choice. (my radion station: Relient K radio.)
3. Pandora will play you a song from your new radio station from that artist. Sometimes, it's an unknown song. Sometimes it's just a classic. (Sadie Hawkins Dance... Let it all Out... who knows??)
4. Pandora will then start playing a random mix of songs, selective of what your artist choice was. (For example: my Relient K radio will play other alternative-style songs that Pandora think will interest me. For the most part, Pandora is always right.)
5. Make more radio stations. One... five... who knows?? Right now, I have the following radio stations set up: Relient K, Jimmy Buffett (for my island tunes), Fall Out Boy, Motion City Soundtrack, and James Taylor. (make fun of my James Taylor all you want, you know you're just jealous.) With my wide variety of different artists, I can choose which radio I want to listen to. For example- late at night, I listen to some relaxing James. If I'm doing homework and need some energy, I go for the Motion City. Get it?
6. Rate the songs... Yay or Nay. If you like the song, rate it as a thumbs up. It'll play more often. If you don't like a song, give it a thumbs down. It won't play anymore, or at least, almost never.
7. Listen to your heart's content! If you don't like a song, you can skip it! Or, you can just change the station.
The best part of Pandora... It's FREE! I love free stuff. It's like the music industry is giving me a big hug. If you're anything like me, you have always wanted a site that would give you hip new music to listen to (mostly music you haven't even heard of) that matches your music needs. Look no further! Let Pandora do all your musical chores for you. Search no more. Oh, how I have a friend in Pandora. I hope someday you will too.
P.S. We sang the New Song in church the other day and it made me extremely happy. :)
Computer Troubles/Friday Night Football
First of all, I apologize for the INSANELY long post that was my last post. I didn't realize it was that long when I typed it, I promise! I just hooked up this blog through facebook, which is sorta weird and I'm not sure if I like it on facebook or not. Anyway, back to my computer problem.
Last Friday, I tried to turn on my didn't turn on. Well, I guess it DID turn on, but a big ugly blue screen showed up saying something like "system 32 something something, blah blah, memory dump complete, please contact administrator". AHH! So, I called Colin, he agreed to come over on Sat and help me figure out how to fix it. He helped... but not really... since he said my computer probably bit the dust due to lots-o-viruses. I told my dad about it, and he took it to a guy who fixed it (hooray!). People always say "you never know what you have until it's gone". I know that's true now. Sounds silly, but I really missed my computer while it was broken/being fixed! Take advantage of your electronics that work, because chances are, they will eventually break/get a virus/have to be fixed!
Our first in-town football game is next Thursday against Trinity. I'm really excited. Sounds silly, but I really like football games. Plus, I didn't get to go to many last year because of my job. So, my job-less self is so excited about football! Well, I guess that's about it for this post! I wish I had something more important to blog about... I will definately blog again when I have something more interesting to say!
Not-So-Funny Pranks
Do you ever have those days that end and you think "Wow, I never want a day quite like THAT again!" Well, today was one of those days for me. I realize that it's only the second full day of school and I'm still adjusting, but today was just not a good school day. Except for seeing Critter, who made a surprise visit! (He's going to boarding school next week.)
First Period, due to the rotating schedule, was Spanish IV. My class is terrible, but actually, it was nice to go ahead and get it out of the way. After First Period, I put my backpack in Mr. Richburg's room for safe-keeping since I was going to Chorus (which, unfortunately, is all the way across campus, so I just left my backpack in his room.)
After chorus, I walked back over to Mr. Richburg's room to get my backpack. It was time for homeroom (I know, my school has gone crazy having homeroom in the middle of the day) so I was going to grab my backpack on the way up to Mrs. G's room. I look... where is my backpack? All I see is Caroline's backpack, some random books and a grey-looking backpack. Since my backpack is blue (see the picture above), I immediately started wondering, where my backpack?? I turn around. Of course, I see my usual scapegoat-- Jason. Me: "Jason, WHERE is my backpack??" Him: "Um, isn't that your backpack?" Me: "That gray thing?" Him: "Uh, yeah, it looks like somebody turned it inside out."
I dunno if this is an old or relatively new prank, but it's not so much fun to have your backpack turned inside out (with all the stuff put INSIDE the newly turned insideout backpack!) For starters, the straps are INSIDE the backpack now, so there's no way to carry it unless you carry it in your arms, similar to a baby. Of course, I accuse Jason. Me: "Jason, WHY did you do this???" Him: "I didn't do it!!" (Giggling in the background.) I turn around to the giggling sound.... Parker. Me: "Parker, did you do this???" Her: giggle giggle.
I was already late to homeroom, so I just shrugged and left, carrying my baby-like backpack in my arms. I noticed that my backpack was a little bit lighter than it felt before, but I thought maybe I was mistaken. I fixed my backpack back to its normal not-insideout way, and then I went to Precal.
50 Minutes later, it was time for study hall. I decided I would do my Spanish homework. I look for my workbook... it's not in there. I figure I must have have put my workbook in my locker. I go to my locker to see... it's not in there. So WHERE is my workbook??? I peek in the Spanish room, it doesn't look like it's in there, but I didn't want to interupt her class. I talk to Senora Forster (the other Spanish teacher), and she says she hasn't seen it. Uggh. I go back to study hall, look in Richburg's room, thinking maybe Parker left it in there by mistake in her "backpack fiasco", but it's not in there.
Lunch comes, I eat some mashed potatoes, and Mr Womack (chorus director) asks if I'll meet him in his room for a little bit. Of course I'm thinking, "Oh great. I'm a terrible singer, I'm off key and I don't know it, and he wants me out of his chorus. Lucky Me!" That wasn't the case... I started thinking about it, and I realized, oh no. He wants me to sing for him to place me. That was probably worse than the former... you see, I have this phobia of singing by myself. I HATE solos, I HATE tryouts, and singing by myself is part of the reason why I haven't done chorus since 6th grade. As I start to head to the room, I'm relieved to see Caroline, Elizabeth, and Elyse heading up to his room as well. Phew.
First, we all sang in a group (of course, My Country tis of Thee-- which is funny, because Elyse STILL thinks the words are 'land where my fathers cry'), and that wasn't that bad. But then, he stops. I beg, actually outload, "Please, Mr Womack, please don't make us sing by ourselves. I have this phobia of singing by myself." He shrugs, and says "Okay, Miss Owens, but can you sing with only one person?" "Okay, sure." So I sang with Elizabeth. I was a little nervous so I was a little shaky, but I think he got the idea. Then Caroline and Elyse started singing... bless their hearts. Caroline started laughing, which made Elyse laugh, and then they started over... and did the same thing. So then Mr Womack lets us go back to lunch, but by that time I had absolutely no appetite. Plus, I was worried about my book, so I wanted to go back to the building to look for it.
Before you think I'm a COMPLETE nerd, I wasn't worried about my missing book because of the homework I was going to miss, but never finding it. Last year, somebody took my Chemistry book (WHY would anyone want that book) and I never got it back, and I was fined $85. I looked for my book in Richburg's room again, and in the Spanish room, and I asked Parker if she knew where it would be. Nobody knew where that book was. I sat through 6th period, and then headed to 7th, when my name was called over the intercom to come to the office. I figured it was about my book, so I went downstairs. aquiring for my lost book. Mrs Vainrib smiled, and said "Yeah, here's your book! Mrs Baker brought it to me. Somebody took it as a joke, or something like that." All I have to say about that is, why would someone take my book? And what kind of joke is that?? Oh well, I have it now! :)
First Day Back...
Well, I started school today. So, I might as well go through the day.
Today was Convocation, so it was only half a day. We started out with an assembly in the gym, and then went to advisee, then went to our seven classes. Here is how it went.
Convocation: Well, I was already mad, because Mrs Cleveland told us to get there early to help the new students (part of our "Ambassador Duties") but we just stood there and didn't do anything. Plus, I was already not in the best mood because I overslept (I set my alarm clock for PM, not AM... silly me). Well, the assembly was pretty boring, except for when Mr McEntire yelled "Let's get ready to rumble!!" What did that have to do with anything? Dunno.
1st Period: Pre-Calculus Honors. Well, we only have six people in this class. It should be a pretty good class, three girls and three guys. I'm sort of freaking out about the enrichments, but I'll be fine.
2nd Period: Chorus. I haven't taken chorus since 6th grade, since it counts as an elective and (until this year) I only had one free period. So, since I have two free periods this year, I decided to go for chorus! I really like the director, and I have a lot of friends in Chorus, so I think it will be a good year. Besides, we're going to San Fransisco in April!!
3rd Period: Study Hall. My favorite teacher is the advisor, which is awesome, although Mr Richburg wasn't there today because he was helping the freshmen (since he's a freshman teacher). There are only three people in the study hall: me, Jason, and Frances Rutledge, so it should be a pretty interesting class.
4th Period: Western Civilization. Not a terrible class. The teacher's a little odd, but he's funny. It's a pretty big class (probably about 18 people) so I dunno how bad of class we will be, but a bunch of my friends are in this class so it should be pretty fun.
5th Period: Conceptual Physics. I have gotten fussed at by some friends for "taking the easy way out" by taking Conceptual Physics, but I just really don't want to take regular (or AP... AHHH!!) physics. And I realize I might have to take it in college, but I might not and I would rather not take it if I don't have to. We have a new teacher for this class, and he's a bit odd looking (he looks exactly like the grandfather in Johnny Tsunami) but he seems cool.
6th Period: Shakespeare and Film. Before you think our school is totally whack, let me explain. This is a brand new class. Our English classes have turned into "seminar" classes, one semester each. So this semester I'll be studying Shakespeare, and next semester I will be taking a class called "Personal Narrative". There's a new teacher for this one too, but she seems nice.
7th Period: Spanish IV. This is my biggest class of the day (a whopping 23 people) and the teacher already hates us. The honors teacher is teaching us, and she doesn't like teaching regular classes, so she should have fun trying to teach us.
Rotation Schedule will be the death of me. We started this new thing called the "Rotating Schedule". It's a system that goes along a 4 Day schedule, and then you start over with Day 1. Day 1 is normal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th) , Then you rotate everything day by day (except for 2nd, 5th, and 6th--those never change.) You always start with what you ended with the previous day. I'm not sure what the point of this schedule is, but it should be interesting seeing who ends up in what class -- since nobody will know where they're going next.
Well, I guess I'll start on my homework.... I dunno how teachers gave us homework after only having us for 18 minutes each, but whatever floats their boat. :)
No Way Is Summer Over...
Every end-of-summer, I start denying that school will be starting. No way will school be starting again! There is no way that summer is over, again! This summer flew by, almost literally. Between working, youth group, and spending nights with some school friends, I feel like I haven't had a lazy summer that all these redneck country stars sing about. Not that I'm complaining... I love to stay busy. But this summer is been especially hectic.
Tonight I went to eat at Ixtapa and went to see Talladega Nights with friends (and brother). After the movie, we got some late night munchies at Arby's, and then I dropped Cameron off and went to take Colin home. When we (me and jason) got back to my house, I said "Well, I'll see ya later." He then said, "Yeah, see you at school Tuesday." My mind quickly goes into psycho mode- WHAT? SCHOOL? WHAT IS SCHOOL? I guess I have been putting off the fact that we actually start next Tuesday. I'm a little bit scared, but mostly just in shock that we're Juniors this year. Two more years... and that's it. This time next year, I'll be a Senior. (Now THAT'S scary!)
So, I know this post is a short one, and I'm not expecting many comments on this one, but I just wanted to thank those of you that made my summer a great one.
Street Cafe, A Tacky Cake, and a Birthday Celebration
Let me start out by saying this. One of my best friends, Colin, has been in England for the past month. He got back on Sunday, so we planned for the grand reunion Tuesday. His birthday was on 7/11 (yes, like the convenience store), so since he was gone for his birthday, we decided to celebrate it last night!
My mom thought of the idea of buying him a cake, so me and Jason went to Bruno's before going to get Colin to pick out "the tackiest cake we could find". There was actually one tackier than the yellow one we bought, but it was too big. So... we went for the yellow one. And bought him a birthday card to go with it!
We went to pick up Colin, and met Laura, Katie, and Critter at Street Cafe. I LOVE Street Cafe. If you haven't been there, go there. It's great food, for reasonable prices, and (usually) the service is good. The service wasn't good last night, but it was partially our fault, due to complicated orders and Katie and Laura coming late. Street Cafe's food is comparable to that of Shogun, Miyako, or Kabuki, but they fix it in the back instead of in front of you. You still get the soup and salad, however. Plus, it's reasonably cheap! My personal favorite is the Beef Bowl. It comes with the soup, the salad, and a huge bowl of fried rice, steak, and veggies--smothered in a yummy teriyaki sauce. It's great! And it's only $8.95. I highly recommend it.
After eating, everybody went back to my house to watch a movie. We had picked out Tristan and Isolde, but due to my broken DVD player, we ended up not watching the movie. Instead, we just took goofy pictures, ate cake, and jsimply enjoyed one of our last summer nights. Here are some pics from the night!
Featuring: Colin (red hair), Laura (red hair), Katie (white shirt), Jason (blue shirt), Critter (with the hat), and of course, Me!






Today I did a variety of different things. I went to an Ambassador meeting (for school), got my schedule changed, went to lunch with some friends, and put together a coffee table. That's pretty much it.
This is a shoutout to jackson d. garrett
SHOUT.because he comments on my blogs and he thinks he deserves some "blog love".
I would like to apologize for yesterday's post. As I told Liz today while conversing over Zoe's (my latest obsession), everyone has a bad day. I realize I have a lot to be thankful for, and I shouldn't be complaining about my SAT Course or my foot doctor experience. I am very fortuante for what I have.
What a Great Week!!!!! Um.. not.
If you're looking for one of my witty, pleasurable blogs, please don't read any further! I am a generally happy person, and honestly, this hasn't been a terrible week. I have been with my mom a lot getting her classroom ready and what not, so that part hasn't been that bad. But two things in particular have been not so pleasurable. 1. SAT Prep Course. Guess what I get to do from 6:30-9:30 every night this week? Yes! Go to an SAT Prep Course that my dad is forcing me to go to! Yesssss! There are a whopping four people in our night class, since all the normal people are taking it in the morning to avoid having to go at night and ruining all of their summer nights two weeks before school starts. But, at the time that I signed up, I thought I would still be working, so I opted for the night classes. So I guess that part is my fault. Last night, we took an abbreviated version of the SAT! And studied vocabulary words! And did a "fun exercise" where we had to match latin prefixes to actual English words! WOO HOO! And the teacher is a creep. But, I guess, that is a given... I mean, he's teaching an SAT course. What was he thinking? This class is pretty much silly. Granted, it will help me on the SAT, but until then, I will not feel fortunate to be taking this class. 2. Went to the foot doctor. This morning at 8:15 I had an appointment with a Dr. Kille for him to check on my ingrown toenail (see last post). This was not a pleasant experience. First, the doctor (and his "staff", including a woman dressed like a hooker and their son -I'm assuming- with headphones carrying random pizza boxes) arrived 15 minutes late... at 8:30. My mom filled out the paperwork, and paid the copay (after the receptionist, the hooker, was rude about accepting a credit card) and finally they called me back into a room. Not that there was anyone there anyway. There were two other patients in the waiting room... one old woman who kept falling asleep (her husband had to wake her) and some old fat guy. So I sat in the chair while my mom had trouble with the credit card, and finally she came in there. I hate to be picky, but it didn't seem like the most sanitary office to be threatening the safety of my toe in. My toe is a big part of me! We have been places together! I am very attached to my toe! Anyway, my mom then pointed out that there was no cover on the electrical outlets. Wow mom, thanks for comforting me. So Dr. Kille came in and examined my toe. Turns out, I genetically have an ingrown toenail, because of the way my toe/skin around the toe is formed. The doctor basically told me I have two options: a) leave it as it is, and keep trimming it when it grows back or b) he can surgically remove it, removing all of that side of the nail down to the cuticle, and putting a chemical on it to make it not grow back. The procedure (plan B), if I chose it, would last about 25 minutes and he would numb it so I couldn't feel it, but when the feeling came back, it would "throb like a toothache". Not that I don't LOVE toothaches, but since the whole experience at that office wasn't that pleasant to begin with, so me & my mom decided to wait and get a second opinion before making any surgical decisions. So I realize that these things don't seem that terrible. And honestly, they're not that terrible. I guess I'm just spoiled to those relaxing summer days/nights, without SAT's or sketchy doctors offices! On that note, I've gotta go get ready for that SAT prep thing...