Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First Day Back...

Well, I started school today. So, I might as well go through the day.

Today was Convocation, so it was only half a day. We started out with an assembly in the gym, and then went to advisee, then went to our seven classes. Here is how it went.

Convocation: Well, I was already mad, because Mrs Cleveland told us to get there early to help the new students (part of our "Ambassador Duties") but we just stood there and didn't do anything. Plus, I was already not in the best mood because I overslept (I set my alarm clock for PM, not AM... silly me). Well, the assembly was pretty boring, except for when Mr McEntire yelled "Let's get ready to rumble!!" What did that have to do with anything? Dunno.

1st Period: Pre-Calculus Honors. Well, we only have six people in this class. It should be a pretty good class, three girls and three guys. I'm sort of freaking out about the enrichments, but I'll be fine.

2nd Period: Chorus. I haven't taken chorus since 6th grade, since it counts as an elective and (until this year) I only had one free period. So, since I have two free periods this year, I decided to go for chorus! I really like the director, and I have a lot of friends in Chorus, so I think it will be a good year. Besides, we're going to San Fransisco in April!!

3rd Period: Study Hall. My favorite teacher is the advisor, which is awesome, although Mr Richburg wasn't there today because he was helping the freshmen (since he's a freshman teacher). There are only three people in the study hall: me, Jason, and Frances Rutledge, so it should be a pretty interesting class.

4th Period: Western Civilization. Not a terrible class. The teacher's a little odd, but he's funny. It's a pretty big class (probably about 18 people) so I dunno how bad of class we will be, but a bunch of my friends are in this class so it should be pretty fun.

5th Period: Conceptual Physics. I have gotten fussed at by some friends for "taking the easy way out" by taking Conceptual Physics, but I just really don't want to take regular (or AP... AHHH!!) physics. And I realize I might have to take it in college, but I might not and I would rather not take it if I don't have to. We have a new teacher for this class, and he's a bit odd looking (he looks exactly like the grandfather in Johnny Tsunami) but he seems cool.

6th Period: Shakespeare and Film. Before you think our school is totally whack, let me explain. This is a brand new class. Our English classes have turned into "seminar" classes, one semester each. So this semester I'll be studying Shakespeare, and next semester I will be taking a class called "Personal Narrative". There's a new teacher for this one too, but she seems nice.

7th Period: Spanish IV. This is my biggest class of the day (a whopping 23 people) and the teacher already hates us. The honors teacher is teaching us, and she doesn't like teaching regular classes, so she should have fun trying to teach us.

Rotation Schedule will be the death of me. We started this new thing called the "Rotating Schedule". It's a system that goes along a 4 Day schedule, and then you start over with Day 1. Day 1 is normal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th) , Then you rotate everything day by day (except for 2nd, 5th, and 6th--those never change.) You always start with what you ended with the previous day. I'm not sure what the point of this schedule is, but it should be interesting seeing who ends up in what class -- since nobody will know where they're going next.

Well, I guess I'll start on my homework.... I dunno how teachers gave us homework after only having us for 18 minutes each, but whatever floats their boat. :)


At 7:13 AM, Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

wow. not to make you hate it more, but im sooo glad i never have to go back to HS!!! ahhh. the shakespear and film class sounds pretty cool though. And im so glad youre such a spiffy ambassador...

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Baron said...

sounds like you've got quite the full day...some of those class names bring back bad memories. Physics, especially...yikes


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