Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Two Year Project, and What's up with this summer reading book??

Cute, right? It's sad that these little paintings took TWO YEARS to complete! I started these boards the summer before my 9th grade year. It is now the summer before 11th grade. Therefore, it took me two years. But not really, considering I started these back two years ago and haven't even picked them up until Monday...when I remembered I needed to, um, finish them. The X's are sorta messed up (thanks to my friend Laura... it's alright though) so they're not completely done, but I just wanted to show them off since they took so long and everything! Oh, and the yellows look different, but they're really the same yellows. I have decided that paint is my weapon of choice. Yes, I know, this is the 44 cent Walmart paint and probably isn't the best quality. This is what I say-- who cares?? It's cheap! Oooh, such pretty colors... thanks be to Laura (who doesn't read this blog, shame) for helping me pick out a color scheme for my sudden (or maybe not so sudden) painting whim! Moving on...

Okay, so I received this oh-so-lovely book in the mail today from, since this GREAT quality summer reading book -- choice of my insane history teacher--cannot be bought in any Montgomery book store... and can't even be ordered from there either. Therefore, me & my mom looked at amazon and bought this lovely book for about 16 dollars... way too expensive for a used book, but whatever floats your boat, amazon! So I got this book today... IT IS IN GREEK!!!!! WHAT???!!!! I don't speak or read Greek. I am officially mad at this history teacher. I already was (this is the same man who sent me to the office for TALKING in the hall two years ago-- the woman in the office just laughed and told me to go to class). Anyway, anyone know anyone who can translate this into English for me? Thanks!

Oh, and my mom passed her Praxis test! Be sure to embarrass her and tell her congratulations!


At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you that don't know what praxis is a HORRIBLE test that the state is now making teachers take in order to be certified!!! I was in the first group that actually had to make a certain score in order to stay board certified. This covered WORLD HISTORY!!! First of all, I hate history! I learned enough to pass exams, but didn't retain any of that info...Second of all, I teach FIRST graders. Trust me, they are doing good to know about the history of Thanksgiving...we won't be covering the happenings of Russia in the 1800's! Anyway, it's over! No more tests...unless I really lose it and decide to get my Master's!!! EEK...

At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks great u are regular miss picasso. I think u should call ur english teacher and ask him to translate. And congrulations goes out to Bellinda Owens for passing her Praxis test. lol

JACKSON D. GARRETT ( congralating ur mom extrodinat)

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

yay! I love the paintings. I am so proud of yo mama! Way to goooooo!!!! wooohooo! and jackson...once again...I amlaughing my head off at your extrodinair spelling...comment on my blog so i can laugh some more!!!

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Lerra said...

Your paintings look great! You should do more. One time I made these mugs with the FRIENDS logo on them. They were party favors for our series finale party. Anyway, I was pretty proud of them. Yeah...good story.


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